For most employers, creating a culture of health and wellness isn’t just a matter of choosing the right gym program, introducing a dynamite team challenge, or changing the cafeteria menu. It’s a matter of making sure that health and wellness are woven into the cultural fabric of the organization.
About Emedlife Wellness
Emedlife Wellness is a destination for curative and Preventive healthcare services backed by doctors and specialists. Various lifestyle disorders are treated with the blend of modern and traditional medical systems making it evidence based. Our wellness Team is driven by a passion for complete wellness of Mind, Body and Spirit.
Wellness is what Emedlife promises and delivers. Our Integrated and Unique Programs walk together to provide a holistic service with a perfect infusion of advanced treatment and traditional therapies.
Health Tools
Use our health tools and calculators to know about the status of your health and well-being. Assess your chances of developing certain diseases by taking our risk tests.
Why Choose Us?
Emedlife believes in a holistic approach towards wellness. Our integrated service has following benefits –
- To manage illness with round the clock service from the expert team of doctors.
- To reverse the disorders with modern medicines.
- To cure the disease from its root.
- To reduce the dependency on drugs and help to get back in normal living.
Our Services
Lifestyle Modification Workshops cater high-quality programs to keep organisation workflow active and healthy. The employees get benefited through it’s complete range of services.
Health & Hygiene- Featured services are
- Preventive lifestyle modification program.
- Basic Life Support training (CPR)
Nutrition & Diet
- Food habits and its role in development of lifestyle disorders.
- Choose food based on your body type
- Weight loss – its types, its pros and cons
- Weights loss – 23 days corporate challenge
- Healthy Food Stalls / Monthly Organic Grocery Kiosks
Behavioral & Conscious management series
- Laughter therapy – the best medicine for stress relieving
- Conscious management series (balancing is important in professional life)
- Learning to manage emotions through self healing
- Confidence building series: makeover, personality development
- Psychotherapy
- Hypnotherapy
- Mindful Meditation
- Sound Meditation
- Chakra Activation
- Kundalini Awakening
Fitness & Endurance
- Yoga and meditation helps with balancing life.
- Power yoga / Thai Chi
- Self-defense class
- Qigong
- Posture & Endurance program
- Aerobics & Zumba
- Massage Therapy
- Aroma Therapy
- Reflexology
- Acupressure
- Music Therapy
- Manual lymphatic Drainage
- Pilates
- Skin Brushing
- Mud Treatment & Body Wraps
- Warm up exercises and Stretches